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Last Will and Testament

It is important to retain the decision-making power over how your affairs are handled once you die. If you become incapacitated and you have an effective estate plan in place, your health care decisions will be made as you have chosen. In addition, by preparing ahead of time, you can minimize the tax consequences involved with the estate administration process. Your loved ones will be better able to carry out your wishes if everything is set forth for them.


The advantages of having a will are numerous. It is important to work with a lawyer who will thoroughly review your needs and identify the best estate planning tools for you.


McMann, P.A., provides Will preparation and planning advice to clients throughout central Florida. With more than a decade of practice experience, Mark McMann provides sound recommendations and guidance.


McMann, P.A., can advise you of your rights, your options and explain how the firm can assist.

For any divorce or family law question, contact the firm today for a free consultation.


You can reach us by calling 863-393-9010 Extension 2

Appointments after-hours and on weekends are available.


If you find yourself in need of legal assistance or advice about family matters, contact the law office of Mark McMann, P.A. in Lakeland Florida.


Wills are documents that establish how your assets, property, investments and other possessions are distributed. With a will, you can specify who your heirs are, have property distributed as you wish, create trusts, appoint guardians, trustees and personal representatives.


Creating a will is an essential step in ensuring that your wishes are carried out after you pass. To ensure that your will is legally binding and accurately reflects your wishes, it's recommended to work with an attorney. They can guide you through the process and help you make any necessary changes to your will over time.


When there is no will

If you don't have a will, your assets will be distributed according to the laws of the state in which you reside. This process is called dying intestate and may not result in the outcome you desire for your beneficiaries. To avoid this, it's important to have documents drafted that reflect your wishes.


Contents of a will

:A will typically designates an executor who carries out the provisions of the will, lists the beneficiaries who will inherit the assets, provides instructions for how and when the beneficiaries will receive the assets, and names guardians for any minor children. 


When it comes to assets that don't allow for the naming of beneficiaries, such as certain bank accounts and real estate, it's important to have a will in place. This will allow you to designate who will receive these assets, along with any special instructions you may have.


While it is possible to draft a will yourself, having an attorney review it can help that the document will hold up in court. This is especially important as every state has strict statutes governing probate, which change over time.

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