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Florida Gets Tough on Street Racing: What You Need to Know

Florida's 2024 Crackdown on Street Racing & New Legal Drag Strip Options

Street Racing

Street racing may look cool in the movies—think "Fast and Furious" 1 through 27—but on real Florida roads, it's illegal and dangerous. In 2024, Florida lawmakers took major steps to curb the rise in illegal street racing, drag racing, and stunt driving across the state.

Florida Gets Tough on Street Racing

Under the updated Florida Statute 316.191, the penalties for participating in, organizing, or even just watching illegal street racing have been significantly enhanced. Here’s what you need to know about these changes:

Increased Fines:

First-time offenders now face fines of up to $2,000—double the previous maximum.

Felony Charges for Repeat Offenders:

Get caught racing again within a year, and you could be facing a third-degree felony charge, carrying even stiffer penalties.

License Revocation:

Offenders can lose their driving privileges for up to four years, depending on prior violations.

Vehicle Impoundment:

Your car could be impounded for 30 days, even if you’re not the owner!

Penalties for Spectators:

Watching illegal racing can also get you in trouble, with fines of up to $400.

These laws are designed to make our roads safer by cracking down on the reckless behavior glamorized in the movies.

A Safer Space for Speedsters

But it's not all about punishment—Florida is also working to offer legal alternatives for car enthusiasts. In Hernando County, a new drag strip aims to provide a safe, legal environment for those who love speed. The drag strip is designed to deter illegal street racing by offering a controlled space for drivers to test their skills.

The hope is that this facility will help reduce dangerous street races while still allowing thrill-seekers to enjoy the sport. You can learn more about this initiative through this news report from FOX13 Tampa Bay, which highlights how the new drag strip could be a game-changer for the Bay Area.

Lead Foot City 1/8 Mile Dragstrip in Hernando County

Stay Informed, Stay Safe

While Florida is getting serious about cracking down on illegal street racing, we encourage everyone to stay informed and find safe, legal ways to enjoy their love for cars and speed. If you have questions about these legal changes, our firm is here to help you navigate the complexities of Florida’s traffic laws. Stay safe, and remember—real life is not a movie set!

 Mark D. McMann

McMann, P.A.
1700 South Florida Ave.
Lakeland, Florida 33803

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