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Florida Cracks Down on Retail Theft and Porch Pirates

porch pirate theft

House Bill 549 (HB 549) was approved by Gov. Ron DeSantis back in April and goes into effect next month. In october, Florida cracks down on retail theft and porch pirates with increased penalties and sanctions for those who steal deliveries from outside people’s homes.

HB 549 makes it a third-degree felony, punishable up to five years in prison, if criminals commit retail theft in a group of five or more individuals. If social media was used to plan the thefts, you could be charged with a second-degree felony and face up to 15 years behind bars.

If you use a firearm or commit a second offense you could be charged with a first-degree felony that is punishable by up to 30 years in prison. Additionally, the span in which the state could charge a felony for multiple retail theft grows from 30 days to 120 days.

Stealing stuff left on a doorstep worth less than 40 dollars becomes a first-degree misdemeanor and a second offence becomes a third-degree felony. If the items stolen are worth more than 40 dollars, HB 549 makes that a third-degree felony as well.

The bill takes effect on Oct. 1 2024

retail theft

HB 549 institutes the following:

A third-degree felony, punishable up to 5 years in prison, if criminals commit retail theft with five or more individuals.

A second-degree felony, punishable up to 15 years in prison, if criminals commit retail theft with five or more individuals and use social media to solicit others to participate in the theft.

A first-degree felony, punishable up to 30 years in prison, if a criminal commits retail theft with a firearm or with two or more prior convictions of retail theft.

The ability to charge a felony for multiple retail thefts occurring in the span of 120 days, which is an increase from 30 days.

HB 549 also increases the punishments for porch piracy as follows:

Theft of property in an amount less than $40 is a first-degree misdemeanor.

A subsequent violation is a third-degree felony.

Theft of property valued at $40 or more is a third-degree felony.

If you have been arrested for any felony or misdemeanor theft charge, contact Lakeland theft attorney Mark McMann at the law office of McMann, P.A. We have represented clients charged with various burglary and theft related crimes, such as Shoplifting, Petit Theft, Felony Petit Theft, Grand theft, Burglary of a Dwelling, Burglary of a Structure or Conveyance, Burglary with Assault or Battery, Armed Burglary, Robbery, Robbery with a Firearm, Dealing in stolen property, False Verification of Ownership to a Pawnbroker and Failure to return leased property.

We represent clients for theft crimes throughout Polk County and the surrounding area, including Osceola County, Pinellas County, Pasco County, Hernando County, and Hillsborough County.

Mark D. McMann
McMann, P.A.
1700 South Florida Ave.
Lakeland, Florida 33803
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