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Injunctions and Domestic Violence 

Domestic violence is an unfortunate reality for many families. Some cases involve abuse during the parents’ relationship and others involve altercations during the divorce process. Domestic violence can be physical harm, threats, stalking or other damaging actions.


If you are the victim of domestic violence, you need protection. Whether you are separated or still together, you may need to get a restraining order to protect yourself or your children.


If you are facing allegations of domestic violence, you need to protect your liberty and your reputation. If the allegations are false, an experienced Lakeland domestic violence lawyer can help you fight back.


McMann, P.A., is a Lakeland, Florida, law firm dedicated to helping clients through different family law problems. Firm founder Mark McMann is an experienced attorney and has served central Florida clients for more than 10 years. The firm assists men and women, whether they are married or not, as they deal with the aftermath of a domestic violence incident or allegation.


If you find yourself in need of legal assistance or advice about family matters, contact the law office of Mark McMann, P.A. in Lakeland Florida.

Domestic Violence Injunctions

In order to get an injunction or an order for protection, there must be certain elements present and set forth in a petition to the court. First, the domestic violence occurred between family members or those in the same household. Second, the person making the allegation is the victim of domestic violence or fears an attack. Third, the petition alleges domestic violence and provides supporting facts. Last, the incident took place in the same jurisdiction where both parties reside.


An injunction can be granted if a threat was made or there is a history involving any of the following acts:


Assault or aggravated assault

Domestic battery or aggravated battery

Sexual assault or battery

Stalking, cyberstalking or aggravated stalking


False imprisonment

Any other offense that results in physical harm to any family member


McMann, P.A., can advise you of your rights, your options and explain how the firm can assist.


McMann, P.A., can provide the effective and compassionate service you need.

For any divorce or family law question, contact the firm today for a free consultation.


You can reach us by calling 863-393-9010 Extension 2

Appointments after-hours and on weekends are available.

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